Hello, my name is Anna and I run The Animal Blog. 

I was raised at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado by a witchy woman and a mountain man. Through my dad's work with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (formerly Colorado Division of Wildlife) I was exposed to a lot more nature and wildlife than the average person. I saw snakes, snapping turtles, bear cubs, raptors, mountain lions, and even lynx up close and personal before they were relocated or rehabilitated. 

My dad's passion for wildlife definitely rubbed off on me and throughout my childhood I absorbed as much information about animals as I could, whether it was through nature documentaries, National Geographic, or educational books. From the time I was seven-years-old I was correcting my grade school teachers about animal information, which I'm sure they loved. 

In 1999, I tagged along with my dad to the Denver International Airport to pick up some lynx from Canada. We took them all the way to the Frisco Creek Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Center in southern Colorado where they stayed until they could be released into the wild as part of the Lynx Reintroduction Program. (See pictures below.)

In 2009, I helped my dad relocate a Colorado black bear that had been getting into a farmer's corn crop, which was an incredible experience and just another example of the kind of unique experiences I had growing up. 

 In my years at the University of Colorado, I studied Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in depth and learned a lot more detailed information about animals and related subjects. My knowledge base became a lot more fine-tuned and I came out the other side with not only the lifelong reverence I had for nature and animals, but now with a more scientific understanding.

It was during this time, back in 2017, that I decided to start The Animal Blog because I strongly feel that it's vital for people to know more about the non-human organisms with which we share the world.

I'm not an expert in this field, I've just been passionate about animals for my whole life. I strive to put out the most accurate information so that this website can be not only fun, but educational as well. 

The Animal Blog
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