The Animal Blog is an educational website for anyone interested in wildlife, mammalogy, ornithology, zoology, evolutionary biology, conservation, genetics, and other animal-related topics.

Here you will find a combination of fun facts, research articles, and opinion papers relating to animals and the natural world. The goal of The Animal Blog is to act as a medium through which lay people, a.k.a. non-scientists, can get their hands on information about animals without having to sift through dry research papers to do so. Citations to sources will be listed at the bottom of every post where applicable. 

In a society so dominated by technology and cyberspaces, it's never been more imperative to reconnect with the natural world and learn more about the other organisms with which we share this planet.  

"There is a love of wild Nature in everybody, an ancient mother-love ever showing itself whether recognized or no, and however covered by cares and duties."

John Muir, Naturalist
The Animal Blog
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